Pushing Daisies Season 1 Episode 6 Review

  • [Music] all right guys ever talk about pushing Daisies season 1 episode 6 this episode I like remembered but I forgot the the like ending or like the whodunit aspect of it ok I did remember all this dog stuff and then pairing up with the different wives and the whole thing I really enjoyed the one obedience wife with like never sent him for spawning time being trained by stuff that was really funny to me it seemed was interested me I’m like I’m like let’s have a polygamists in the middle of their like normal town thing and like yeah it wasn’t like it was a hidden thing and then they they had a weird dynamic here with their dog thing and people knew and I’m like ok I guess you can just be a polygamist hey man you can’t but we’re all in a world full of pies the polygamist is scary yes they did so I really so like on that topic really quick I really like Emerson’s like he’s a damn polygamist and then the Dean area is like you know Harold was indeed a temple egoist and go ahead and like start showing the lives the montage of the wives like getting married and like if you look at each wives like face as they add new wives how they’re all like fuck the Asian lady so she funniest yeah they’re like so upset to be like in like a different colored dress and like not the one getting married but the one getting married is so happy and death and the guy is so happy and like every picture exactly the same it’s so funny I really I was like ok this is thank you this is wonderful to be in community I was gonna say it’s he’s that guy that talks to you Joel McHale yes yeah who has like four lines of dialogue in the whole thing yeah I thought was funny when you first saw him cuz I was like oh well that was like kind of a throwaway and then I’m like okay he’s gonna come back for him for a little bit of a backstory filling but but in general it really wasn’t it very much super I don’t want to say like like underuse like it’s a bag you know like it’s a bad thing but you hired someone rooting up presumably because of their experience what they bring to the table and then you choose to use that character in a way that has extra it’s like the narrator talks over all the flashbacks yeah so it’s not even like oh well yeah he dies but that doesn’t matter he can be in all the flashbacks it was all relying on like his face and like mannerisms and Sheldon’s oh he’s great yeah but it’s but it’s so good someone who’s like known for like you know saying funny things and not use them to say funny things I love that well I wonder if this was a like a paycheck a favor or whatever because it seems like an interesting choice for him yeah right but you know whatever little Jim Jobs of jobs we presume he was here working so we got got the four wives one is like an obedience dog trainer one is is a like sheepdog salesman what is a blind dog like for the y-yeah you know doggy therapist yes service is like a traditional British therapist with a pipe except for dogs for dogs yeah the dogs lay on a couch and all that stuff so we’ll we’ll go in in like a reverse order then like Ned you know go select the therapist is his most creative angle is he just swaps their name he is mr. dick he’s mr. dog’s name is Ned it’s just Ned and then she calls him out like hold on dog mating is not just for the species you know you know you know it’s for the dog he’s like oh because he’s thinking about truck and I’ll open this whole fucking thing he’s going through and she fucking like nails him to that whole thing and he’s just like oh God Chuck Chuck faking being blind and then though how’d you lose your sight I was a tragic key letter accent she’s like I know you’re not applying it just like oh thank god yeah those were everything the truth pretty much yeah and then just like spills or whatever I love how like between them they gave out enough details that all the wives can then like show up or some because they are sister wives yeah it’s amazing it’s a it’s it’s like that kind of thing kind of party olive had like olive had a whole costume and olive was pimento yeah she had all the names picked out she had all these backstories but then she ends up spilling the details because something triggers like a real memory she’s like I had a horse named fie and it’s like ah blah blah blah the horse not the thigh and then blah blah blah and like a building shaped like pie the food not the horse and yes is the whole thing and that’s what and and the you know the wives can assemble these details and come and like nail them ever since things much bigger and let goes on for a lot longer he you know he goes back over again but he’s like hello there’s like that was totally down yeah and she’s single now so that’s I can’t help but notice you when I’m married him perhaps you’d like to hang his face whenever the click happens like that’s so good 9 up and like the narrator says unbeknownst Emerson he was being trained to and all that stuff yeah but she chloroform’s him later and he’s like rest ties him up wrestling around and she’s like riding like a mechanical bowling on his back i guess that’s that’s that’s that’s great I just love like so she has chloroform that’s a thing and dogs the other one the one that actually poisoned the husband what did she use she used did they say it was arsenic arsenic and she had a big jar called arsenic but like a fancy like you know weird shaped like genie bottle of arsenic I did not see that when they showed her dumping into the almond in the flashback yeah yeah no that’s great that’s great I was like where do you get arsenic in that jar that is branded arsenic like from an arsenic star seems very good when it was like one of you know Joel McHale you know whew speaking things it’s him like describing and like great detail how he was like it tasted bitter like almonds I thought my almond creamer had just gone bad but it but before I really but but um you know you know it like recently I take another drink but I like took him too long to Rihanna’s and then he got poison his thing I like that that was right out of like Boondock Saints when like you see the flashback and then it’s like here’s how it really happened and it’s just him slipping and constantly like stabbing himself like over and over again um I kept get up that’s superdumb and great that’s wonderful I love that like in the midst of dying of poison and after the first stabbing he’s able to get up one more time to get staff again to get up a third day because he I said before times I think he was stabbed many times it’s amazing and unfortunately placed you know sharp handle of like a doggy brush etc etc yeah so the plot here of the killer of the killing right is he had engineered a new dog yeah a four-way split between a khalid or russell lapooh yeah wrote down so Terry a poodle college cocker spaniel and a door and a door yeah just a wooden door but that dog didn’t even look that awesome of a dog looked like Jim Carrey’s dog from that movie Odie it looked like grunt like some sort of gross and horrible dog or something I like dogs but I don’t like this dog more than most the dog the one that was training three dogs and went bang bang bang that was Jim Carrey’s dog yeah yeah literally yeah I feel like this thought was just a gross I don’t know what they did to the poor dog if that’s really how a dog looks but that doll looks gross no no offense to that thought I’m sure you’re a lovely person dog that dog is dead I hope it is well this film in 2002 or something yeah I know I know the dog is dead alright let’s just move on I’m sorry jeez but they want to like clone this dog they want this dog to be everywhere he’s like the perfect dog he’s the uber dog Oh smart hypothec something something takes care of the blind I don’t know sure but that so I was like okay whatever and it’s your predictable thing we’re like he had you know he had made a deal and they plotted to kill him but then like the wires got crossed I would say it’s extra convoluted and not that predictable because no no no I mean like when there’s a like like someone dies oh he just changed his will oh but you know had they not killed them then the thing would have done this cuz he was also planning to donate to her charity but then he died before he could do it or like oh they had just you know they were gonna get married so they killed him to stop it but he was gonna do this so that even if they got married it wouldn’t have been right he you know like she kidnaps the dog even though he he already know she kidnaps the dog because she didn’t know the other wife was gonna kill him it’s like a Matlock or like it yeah it all it all uh what’s his name 3j hurry mace Columbo Columbo I was gonna say it’s like a it’s like it’s like a like convoluted Columbo murder plot it’s like that sort of thing I mean yeah I noticed it that dog collar was you know but notice the collar is over here his eyes going over there yeah it was him I I liked all the little back-and-forth we get more talking about the kiss we had between olive and them and Ned well so getting away from the case where that’s the other plot is the in all’s hard core on the kiss it opens with a dream sequence that’s super interesting she might fall seeking of trippy so she gets out of bed stumbles falls on him and should die and this is something that could happen and and it also leads to me things you know they have an impossibly large bedroom like yeah because he just out of the blue added a second bed he didn’t have it the whole time so his bedroom was big enough that it had this giant room for a bed was for Digby maybe and then that’s so rude I think he’s been to his bed yeah I could actually see Digby having his own bed because he can’t sleep in his bed I know so that makes sense and now they just sleep together yeah there’s a whole overall warmth there’s a whole overarching thing here with uh they even say like well maybe you should like kiss other people and maybe I should hold other people’s hand that and and that could just be okay or something like that yeah so it’s a weird like dark like surrogate fucking strange like thing happening or whatever but they’re just handling with like the light comedic touch or something like that but it conjures up all these horrible things no oh God well because they’re in a really terrible position because this is something that like you know people I’m sure it face words like oh this person doesn’t meet my needs for this that nothing so we do this but this is like that person physically can’t ever touch me ever and is like no cuz like people get sick they end up in wheelchairs like it gets really dark and like real and yeah stuff this is like a fun thing where she’s magic and they’re like back from the dead so it’s not quite the same level of like shittiness but like yes I think people find creative solutions to these problems in their real life yeah but when when Chuck takes off her skin suit to reveal herself to be Olive yes like I Olive like perfectly made up inside the skin so yeah I already knew that that it was a you know a dream but that was like what that’s crazy for this and then he hands up telling Emerson like like you said dreams don’t matter right he’s like no it’s just a pile of crap or whatever and then he’s like okay cuz I had a dream that I was having sex with olive wearing a truck suit and he goes oh look at that that’s pretty on the nose boy yeah it’s pretty good it was something like there’s no way this conversations not awkward for me he was great they go on to talk about different stuff I wrote down a line from that conversation but like simultaneously olives talking to Chuck and he’s talking to a Mersenne about this kiss it’s this whole thing going on yeah ever since s7 likes like some some women love like gangstas like Oh baby what happened while you bleed while holding a razor yes leo that’s pretty good that’s all razor out of there weave yeah I like that I think I could pull off that line I’m too white to say you can’t say we – I’m too wide to say weave or fam like sup fam it doesn’t sound it doesn’t work you put likes exams into it damn yeah see sounds sounds pathetic when I say it hmm indeed can’t pull off but later that you know that’s a callback to like gangster love because he meets a really hard bitch and then he has his own dream stylist and the narrator fills in all the details of like even though he thought dreamology was bullshit he you know his dream revealed to him blah blah blah blah blah and you’re like nice book ends like bookends like little salt and pepper shakers and the the end of this episode is like you know like they they figure out all that stuff they understand like okay they go to find that mr. wasn’t they mr. kakapo or some things do bleed or do blue whatever so he’s the puppy mill Whoopie salesman and they gotta find him and he’s dead he’s been arsenic yeah and I love that what their plan is and I I don’t know that I think this could ever work you don’t think that they can weekend at Bernie’s into a funeral with a dead body’s not a baby so they couldn’t bring him in potentially without maybe somebody going like why are you carrying that guy into the fucking funeral but the plan is to touch him to spook the one who killed him and to find out who killed him and then touch him again he dies now I don’t think it works in the way that like you touch him again and like a corner of okay he just died like I think like they don’t know I don’t know how a corner would approach it and how did they even get him out of his office like it’s such a weird you know it’s cuz the cartoon of a show yeah I’m not super important but it’s it’s very peculiar to me the hole okay you know well I guess you don’t get accused of murder because people saw him a lawyer you’re hoping a lot like that somebody saw him talk or move people there would seen it but I so I had the same thought and I’m like okay great Ned runs from the building tackle some some some grieving widow there’s a private investigator and they presume the dead lady there and now a dead body is just on the floor like in the Pew of like the funeral area right and and and like yes you know the coroner hopefully is gonna say magic probably is gonna say poison and you’re like so you brought in a like dying of poison guy to like scream at a widow and then tackle there and all that stuff it’s like no I’m not going to jail this is like the ultimate you know at the end of the horror movie when like the person who wins and then you just like think back or you’re like well you burned the like like super natural killer alive and yeah and back at your house like your uncle’s dead that you know yeah that like neighbor girl is dead that like delivery boy is dead wait a minute all the car that you drove oh right like that wasn’t your car this happened you yet to escape the cops once already I’m pretty sure like they’re like you’re like wanted for like at least those three murders if not that that person saw you doing that okay know like how you that like it’s a happy ending we’re fucked right yeah and they’re not as fucked that your typical horror movie person is but it was an interesting boy I don’t know it will be my move to balance that out I didn’t like the idea he know he you know like Ned goes to like revive them and Emerson’s like no I have a plan let’s let’s you know let’s not waste this like temper is here let’s let’s reload ya know and like execute such a shocking idea by him because he’s doesn’t he’s not usually the guy that goes against the grain and like it’s usually the quickest easiest guy get the money thing yeah and it’s all for 25 grand split three ways presumably it’s like for a crazy amount of money that you risk going to jail for murder I could pay my bills with blind kids you know dreams but the money’s better smiles yeah but their money works much better yeah you know I do like it though cuz something would get old about just questioning them all the time and like in this episode they did refine the question time where it’s like a rapid-fire you have one minute it began 15 seconds ago you know it’s so fun never timed them just because I can either I I can’t bear to be disappointed to that degree but it always feels like more than me I’m sure it’s not a real minute but it might be a real minute and then later right to like they’re not you know they already know well you know they’d like the first guy didn’t have much to say about who poisoned them I doubt this guy will but we know we can use him to smoke out the real whatever an emerson says because now he’s learned from hanging out with simone and like talking about stuff you know dog talk for like several days or whatever hours whatever he’s like they run with you know when they’re guilty when they’re scared or whatever so we can do this and the wives all react differently oh my god what the fuck how dare you who like run sir never and I’m like yes good and the one wife has handcuffs on yeah it goes now and she goes like it’s like rubbing her I like that it was it was pretty much assumed that the first wife was the was the you know the guilt it’s logical right did you yeah did you have it peg did you like I have no memory of her act like no proof but my guess is always a mom like well the first one was was once alone and now she is not know this house it’s the most logical and she had the least besides a psychologist who seemed really broken up so I was like I know that’s like could be faked too but I was kind of like whatever in my memory like they all did it or something like that but they all had like different parts of it and that’s kind of almost how it works i brewed the coffee and i put the boys in the coffee and I gave him the coffee and I wiped off our fingerprints well the fact that like one stole the dog yeah one hands him the coffee but the other poisoned the coffee and the other is just acting so whatever I saw in my head I think I just you know extract it like they all did it work sure but but no like the one just literally applauded to kill him yeah and it’s it’s the oldest thing in the book and it calls back so hell is all this time tells all this time you polygamists your first of your first of four wives is bitter and then you know you know conspires to kill you so you don’t sell this this cash cow of like a dog well for Hertz it’s like a love cow actually mostly love but but but it calls back to that montage that I loved because even if you didn’t pick up on the quote-unquote like subtlety of her sour face as your wife gets added right you can now look at the whole thing together and be like yes of course good and it all makes sense yeah like decent episode indeed yeah no no I don’t think I will get there eventually but there you know this is not it and an episode where I’m like all this this sucked this is different this is not the the gem of like goodness that I like I don’t I can’t recall our episode off top my head once I start seeing them I remember a little more but from there be any bad episodes of this show I’m Wayne III really want to tear into something for being really bad that’s my strength well maybe episode 7 fingers crossed alright guys that’s this episode left on the console what you thought about it sometime a fire and we’ll see you next time hello internets I just love watching just staggers if you’ve enjoyed this video as much as I have click that subscribe button these are homies [Music]